Mountain Engineering and Testing, Inc. Services
Mountain Engineering and Testing, Inc. provides complete geotechnical, geological, civil engineering, wetlands, laboratory, and construction materials testing services. See our Statement of Qualification.

Our specific services include:
Geotechnical and Civil Engineering
Wetlands Consulting
Construction Materials Testing
Laboratory Analysis
Onsite Water Treatment System Design

Geotechnical and Civil Engineering
Mountain Engineering and Testing’s Geotechnical Engineering services are provided by licensed engineers and engineering geologists with over 20 years of experience with the local soils and geology. Our engineers have experience performing geotechnical investigations for commercial, residential, and municipal structures, as well as airports, reservoirs, roadways, pavements, and bridges.
- Geotechnical Engineering Studies
- Geological Suitability and Hazard Studies
- Pavement Design
- Excavation observation
- On-site Wastewater System Designs-OWTS

Wetlands Consulting
Mountain Engineering and Testing’s wetlands consultants perform services in accordance with the US Army Corps of Engineers Guidelines and are familiar with the Rocky Mountain Region wetlands vegetation, soils, and hydrologic indicators.
- Wetlands delineation
- Section 404 permitting
- Wetlands mitigation planning and monitoring

Construction Materials Testing
Mountain Engineering and Testing’s field testing is performed by qualified technicians under the supervision of a registered professional engineer. Technicians are certified by ACI, CAPA, LabCAT, WAQTC, OSHA-40 Hour, Troxler and other appropriate agencies. Field testing is performed using ASTM, AASHTO, and other applicable specifications and guidelines.
- Moisture/density testing on compacted soils and asphalt
- Steel reinforced concrete observations
- Concrete and Grout testing including: Slump, entrained air, temperature, unit weight, and casting cylinders
- Asphalt placement observation and sampling
- Masonry observation

Laboratory Analysis
Mountain Engineering and Testing’s in-house laboratories are equipped to test soils, aggregates, concrete, and asphalt. All laboratory testing is conducted in accordance with quality control guidelines of ASTM, AASHTO and other recognized standard test procedures..
- Soils tests include: Standard and modified proctor, gradation, atterberg limits, hydrometer/dispersivity, swell/consolidation, soluble sulfates, moisture content, relative density, and specific gravity
- Compressive strength testing for concrete, grout, and mortar
- Fine and Course aggregate specific gravity
- Asphalt tests include: Asphalt content using chemical extraction, gradation, RICE, and nuclear pan calibration.
- Asphalt, concrete, and masonry coring

Onsite Water Treatment System Design
Mountain Engineering and Testing designs basic and higher level treatment Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) for both residential and commercial purposes. MET does design in many counties from Park, Fremont and Custer county, Gunnison and Lake county, Conejos and Costilla counties, and many more in between. Contact MET today for any OWTS permitting or regulation questions regarding your new or repair design requirements.
- Large commercial systems over 2,000 gallons per day require state permitting and is beyond our scope of work for OWTS design.